The Tewksbury book is tentatively
entitled The Descendants of Henry and Martha (COPP)
TEWKSBURY of Amesbury and Newbury, Massachusetts and is
still in the research stage of development. I have been working on the
project about two years. The contents of the
book will include Tewksbury families and records that I have
studied as well as information which has been graciously submitted.
Currently, the book is over 600 pages in length and
includes a name index. I am tracing all descendants forward,
including the female lines. And, believe me, this is proving
to be quite an undertaking! The volume of material is so vast that in
the end, it may be published in several volumes. Because of the broad
scope of the research, I will happily accept all
descendancy and document submissions to
speed along the research of this opus. So, make certain that your
Tewksbury relative is represented - dig out your notes and
contact me! |