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New Jersey Archives
First Series
Abstracts of Wills

pg. 595
1779, Feb. 22. Woodruff, Abner, of Essex Co. Ward. Son of John Woodruff, of said Co., deceased. Said Ward makes choice of Amos Potter, as his Guardian. Guardian--Amos Potter. Fellowbondsman--Jacob Morrell; both of said co. Lib. 22, p. 56.

pg 596
1780, March 1. Woodruff, Abner, of Essex Co. Ward. Son of John Woodruff, of said Co., deceased. Said Ward makes choice of Nathaniel Mill as his Guardian. Guardian--Nathaniel Miller. Fellowbondsman--Timothy Day; both of said Co. Lib. 22. p. 71

pg 596
1772, Dec. 14. Woodruff, Abraham, of Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Real estate to be sold. Wife, Abigail, 1/3 of the interest arising from the produce of my real estate. Sons, William, Abraham, David and Isaac Watts, the 2/3 of the money, when they are 21. At wife's death, my daughters, Ann, susannah and Abigail, to have 1/3; Susannah and Abigail, to have their parts, when 18. Executors--wife Abigail, and my friend, William
Herriman. Witnesses--Mary Thane, Jean Thane, Elias Boudinot. Proved Feb. 8, 1773. Lib K, p. 538

pg 597
1770, April 22. Woodruff, Moses, of Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. My debts to be paid out of the remaining part of my legacy, left by my father, Timothy Woodruff. To my wife the rest of my personal estate, to bring up my children. Executors--brother, Nathan Woodruff, and my nephew, Ezekiel Woodruff, Jr. Witnesses--Daniel Woodruff,
Michael Woodruff, Abraham Woodruff, Jr. Proved April 1, 1771. Lib. K, p. 451

pg 596
1776, Oct. 25. Woodruff, Hezekiah, of Essex Co.; will of. Son,
Richard Woodruff, some live stock, for term of one year. Personal
and real estate to be sold, and money to be put to interest, for 5
years, for the support of my children and grandchildren, which are
now with me. At the end of 5 years I give my son, Hezekiah, 50 (lbs),
and my daughter, Hannah Winants, 5 (lbs), and the children of my
daughter, Abigail Paiks, 5 (lbs), and to my daughter, Margaret Woodruff, 30 (lbs), and my daughter, Mary Woodruff, 30 (lbs), and my daughter, Sarah Woodruff, 30 (lbs), and the rest of my estate to my 5 sons, Stites Woodruff, Richard Woodruff, Hiram Woodruff, Benjamin Woodruff and John Woodruff. My Executors are to be Guardians of my children and grandchildren, who are not of age. Executors--father, John
Stites, and my friend, Abner Cory. Witnesses--Jacob Winans, Noah
Williams, Samuel Winans. Proved April 13, 1778. Lib. 20, p. 37.

pg. 596
1778, Jan. 10. Woodruff, John, of Springfield, Essex Co.; will of.
Wife, Sarah, 1/3 my moveable estate. Son, Simeon Woodruff, my
plantation and he to pay the legacies. Sons, Abner and Samuel, my
plantation in Springfield where I live, but, if they die, then to my
son, Simeon. Daughters, Elenor Connet, Rhoda Woolley, Phebe
Fordice, Abigail Woodruff, and the children of my deceased son,
Stephen, and the children of my daughter, Sarah Smith, 6 equal parts.
Daughter, Abigail, 65 (lbs). Daughter, Ellinor, 50 (lbs). Daughter, Rhoda, 50 (lbs). Daughter, Phebe, 50 (lbs). Son, Simeon, 200 (lbs).
Executors--friend, Jacob Brookfield, and my son, Simeon. Witnesses--Nathaniel Miller, William Miller, Amos Potter. Proved Jan. 27, 1778. Lib. 19, p. 446

pg. 596
1772, June 20. Woodruff, Jonathan, of Borough of Elizabeth, Essex
Co.; will of. Wife, Prudence, use of 1/3 of my house and land , that I
had of my father, Joseph Woodruff, deceased. Daughter, Mary Scud-
der, 5 shillings. Daughter, Anne Dadgley, 5 shillings. Son, Noah,
the land which was formerly my brother Samuel Woodruff's, on
which he lives; also 1/3 of my salt marsh; also 1/2 of my rights in
unlocated lands in the Elizabeth Town Purchase. Son, Aaron, the
land which I had of my father, except what I give to my son, Daniel;
also 1/3 my salt marsh; also 1/2 of my unlocated land in said Purchase.  Son, Daniel, 30 acres of my homestead; also 1/3 my salt marsh. Grandson, Eliphalet Marsh, 10 shillings. Children, Mary, Anne, Noah, Aaron and Daniel, rest of estate. Executors--son, Noah, and friend, Jonathan Cory, and Jonathan J. Dayton. Witnesses--Edward
Vaughan Dongan, Matthias Meeker, John Durand. Proved Feb. 18,
1778. 1777, June 17. Inventory, made by Thomas Woodruff, and John
Cory. Lib. 18, p. 645

pg 597
1774, Dec. 31. Woodruff, Joseph, of Borough of Elizabeth, weaver;
will of. Son, Henry, my 2 home lots; also a lot called the Great
Pasture; also 1/2 of my part of the Great Island and marsh; and 1/2
of the meadow called Dick Meadow; also 1/2 of the Bay lot; also salt
meadow at Oyster Creek. Son, Samuel, 6 acres of pasture; also lot I
bought of Matthias Baldwin; also land in Woodruff Neck, given to
me by my father; also 1/2 of my part of the Great Island; also 1/2 of
the Dick Meadow; also 1/2 of the Bay lot. Wife, Puah 50 (lbs), and the
goods she brought with her, and, if she dies, to my children, Henry
Woodruff, Marthew Cather, Samuel and Mary Woodruff. Daughter,
Mary Woodruff, 180 (lbs), when she is 18. Wife, Puah, use of 180 (lbs). Executors--wife, Puah, Isaac Woodruff, and my sones, Henry and Sam-
uel. Witnesses--Nathan Woodruff, Abraham Woodruff, William Har-
riman. Proved Aug. 28, 1778. Lib. 20, p. 45

pg. 597
1773, Aug. 24. Woodruff, Noah, of Essex Co. Int. Adm'rs--
Thomas Woodruff and Aaron Woodruff. Fellowbondsman--Matthias
Hetfield, Jr.; all of said Co. 1773, Aug. 23. Renunciation, by Hannah Woodruff, widow of said deceased, in favor of Thomas Woodruff and Aaron Woodruff. Witness--Zophar Hetfield.  1773, Aug. 25. Inventory, made by Andrew Hetfield and Jonathan Cory. Lib. K, p. 451

pg 597
1780, Aug. 1. Woodruff, Richard, of Essex Co. Int. Adm'rs-- Stites Woodruff and Samuel Winans; both of said Co. Lib. 24, p. 22

pg 597
1779, Feb. 28. Woodruff, Samuel Allen, of Essex Co. Ward. Son
of John Woodruff, of said Co., deceased. Guardian--Amos Potter.
Fellowbondsman--George Everson; both of said Co. Lib. 22, p. 64

pg 597
1780, March 1. Woodruff, Samuel Allen, of Essex Co. Ward. Son
of John Woodruff, of said Co., deceased. Guardian--Nathaniel Miller.
Fellowbondsman--Timothy Day; both of said Co. Lib. 22, p. 71

pg 597
1778, June 20. Woodruff, Stephen, of Essex Co. Int. Adm'r--
Jacob Briant.  Fellowbondsman--John Blanchard; both of said Co.
Witness--Nathaniel Bonnel. Lib. 16, p. 510

pg 597
1774, March 24. Woodruff, Uzal, of Essex So. Int. Adm'rs--Elias
Woodruff and Oliver Spencer. Fellowbondsman--Robert Ogden; all
of said Co.  1774, March 23. Renunciation by Elizabeth Woodruff, widow of the said deceased, in favor of "my brother Elias Woodruff and my friend, Oliver Spencer." Witnesses--William Woodruff and Elihu
Ogden. Lib. L, p. 155

Preceding records donated by Mary Jean Williams.



Copyright 1998-2005 Natalie Cottrill
Last update May 31, 2009
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