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John McMannis Revolutionary War Pension
17574 Invalid, John McMANNIS, Pvt. Rev. War.
7th June 1832. Volume 1, Page 249. Transcribed on the Roll of Indiana at the
rate of $20 Dollars per annum commencing 4th March 1831.
- State of Indiana County of Pike. On the 13th day of
November 1832 personally appeared in open Court before the Probate Court of
Pike County now sitting John McMANNIS a resident in the
County of Pike and State of Indiana aged Seventy two years who first being
duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in
order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That
he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers
and served as herein stated, That he entered the service in March 1778 with
Capt. Leonard HELMES for the Term of six months his Col. was George Rodgers
CLARK and he entered the service at Wheeling, Virginia. his majors name was
RODGERS - he resided at Wheeling when he entered the service he went with the
troops from Wheeling to the falls of Ohio in Batteaux where we built a fort on
the island and remained during the whole of his term part of CLARK's troops
came through by land and joined us at the falls - he was discharged in
September by discharges written by Capt. HELMES which discharge he has not -
the discharges were written in Illinois and dated in August but not received
by him untill September . . . he was born in the year 1760 in Chester County
Pennsylvania he has no record of his age - he lived at Wheeling when called
into service he has lived in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana where he now resides
ever since - he entered the service as a volunteer - he is known to Elias
OSBORN and David MILEY Esqrs. John McMANNIS.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
We David MILEY and Elias OSBORN residing in Pike County
hereby certify that we are well acquainted with John McMANNIS
who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to
be Seventy two years old that he is reported and believed . . . to have been a
soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion. Elias OSBORN,
David MILEY. Dated 13th day of November 1832.
Indianapolis November 6 1843. Hon. J. D. EDWARDS.
Mr. John McMANNIS a Revolutionary pensioner
recently died in Boone County in this State before his death a short time he lost
his Certificate. His son John McMANIS who is heir of the estate
wishes to make proof of that fact to enable him to draw the balance due to his
deceased father. Please forward to him at Royalton, Boone County, Indiana the
necessary instructions.
I am very Respectfully yours, Wm. J. BROWN.
Treasury Department, Second Comptroller's Office May 18th
Under the act of the 6th of April 1838, entitled "An Act
directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by certain Pensioners and
authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasury of the United States," and
the third section of the Act of August 23, 1842, extending the time within which
pensioners may receive their pensions from the pension agents, one of Four
children of John McMANUS, decd. a Pensioner on the Roll of the
Indiana Agency, at the rate of Twenty Dollars per annum, under the law of the
7th June 1832, has been paid at this Department, from the 4th of March 1841, to
the 31st Dec 1842.
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