Descendants of Lieutenant Benjamin Woodruff of New Jersey
Vashti Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Knox County Ohio; Clay Township; Page 370b; Dwelling 2073; Family 2129; Joshua Woodruff household; September 22, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Vashti WOODRUFF is living with Joshua WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Vashti is female, white, age 16, and born in Ohio.
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Vashti McCLELLAND is the wife of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Vashti is female, white, age 46 and born in Ohio. Both of her parents were born in Pennsylvania.
Henry McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Henry McCLELLAND is listed as head of household. Henry is male, white, age 50 and born in Pennsylvania. Both of his parents were born in Pennsylvania. He works as a farmer. Other occupants living with Henry - Vashti McCLELLAND, his wife; Carie M., Marion J., Follett E., John A., Delmont M., and Calvin W. McCLELLAND, his sons; Julia E., Iota, Vashti O., and Louisa McCLELLAND, his daughters.
Carey M. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Carie M. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Carie is male, white, age 21 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Marion J. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Marion J. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Marion is male, white, age 21 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Julia E. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Julia E. McCLELLAND is the daughter of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Julia is female, white, age 18 and born in Ohio. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, but her mother was born in Ohio.
Iota McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Iota McCLELLAND is the daughter of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Iota is female, white, age 16 and born in Ohio. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, but her mother was born in Ohio.
Follett E. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Follett E. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Follett is male, white, age 14 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Vashti O. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Vashti O. McCLELLAND is the daughter of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Vashti is female, white, age 12 and born in Ohio. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, but her mother was born in Ohio.
John A. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: John A. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. John is male, white, age 10 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Delmont M. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Delmont M. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Delmont is male, white, age 8 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Louisa McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Louisa McCLELLAND is the daughter of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Louisa is female, white, age 7 and born in Ohio. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, but her mother was born in Ohio.
Calvin W. McClelland
CENSUS: 1880 Licking County Ohio; Eden Township; ED 185; Sheet 9; Folio 296a; Dwelling 62; Family 62; Henry McClelland household.
Information from 1880 Census: Calvin W. McCLELLAND is the son of Henry McCLELLAND, who is listed as head of household. Calvin is male, white, age 3 and born in Ohio. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but his mother was born in Ohio.
Calvin M. Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Knox County Ohio; Clay Township; Page 370b; Dwelling 2073; Family 2129; Joshua Woodruff household; September 22, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Calvin M. WOODRUFF is living with Joshua WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Calvin is male, white, age 10, and born in Ohio.
Jane M. Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Page 237a; Sheet 26; Dwelling 672; Family 679; Lines 41-42 and Lines 1-9; conducted on September 11, 1850; Family History Library; MF 444943.
Information from 1850 Census: Jane WOODRUFF is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Jane is female, white, age 19 and born in Virginia. She is attending school.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 19; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: John D. CLIFFORD married Jane M. WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 23 October 1853.
John D. Clifford
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 19; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: John D. CLIFFORD married Jane M. WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 23 October 1853.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 36; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: John D. CLIFFORD age 43, born Harrison County, Virginia, son of Samuel and Nancy CLIFFORD, married Rosetta WOODRUFF age 21, born Jackson County, Virginia, daughter of David and Olivia WOODRUFF on 21 September 1858.
Lizzie Clifford
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Angerona; Page 525; Sheet 81; Dwelling 549; Family 573; Lines 2-8; conducted on July 2, 1860; Family History Library; MF 805354.
Information from 1860 Census: Lizzie CLIFFORD is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Lizzie is female, white, age 5 and born in Virginia. She is attending school.
Isabella Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Page 237a; Sheet 26; Dwelling 672; Family 679; Lines 41-42 and Lines 1-9; conducted on September 11, 1850; Family History Library; MF 444943.
Information from 1850 Census: Isabella WOODRUFF is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Isabella is female, white, age 17 and born in Virginia. She is attending school.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 18; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Joshua WRIGHT married Isabel WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 29 September 1853.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Isabella WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Isabella is female, white, age 77 [sic] and born in Virginia.
Joshua Wright
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Folio 233b; Dwelling 620; Family 627; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted September 6, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 22, and born in Virginia.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 18; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Joshua WRIGHT married Isabel WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 29 September 1853.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 32 and born in Virginia. He works as a farmer and his real estate is valued at $1,288.00. His personal estate is valued at $200.00. Other occupants living with Joshua - Isabella, Sherdon, Charlotte, Margaret J., and Charles WRIGHT.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 42, and born in Virginia. He works as a farmer and his real estate is valued at $950. His personal estate is valued at $500. Other occupants living with Joshua - Elizabeth, Theodore, Lillia, Margaret J., Charles, Emma and John WRIGHT.
FIND: 1880 Jackson County West Virginia; Union Township; Page 29.
Theodore Sheridan Wright
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Sherdon WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Sherdon is male, white, age 6 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Theodore WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Theodore is male, white, age 15, and born in Virginia.
Charlotte Lilly Wright
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Charlotte WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Charlotte is female, white, age 4 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Lillia WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Lillia is female, white, age 14, and born in Virginia.
Margaret J. Wright
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Margaret J. WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Margaret is female, white, age 2 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Margaret J. WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Margaret is female, white, age 12, and born in Virginia.
Charles Wright
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Charles WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Charles is male, white, age 6/12 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Charles WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Charles is male, white, age 10, and born in Virginia.
George W. Wright
DEATH: Jackson County West Virginia Deaths; 1853-1968; A-Z; Family History Library; MF 567216.
Information from Death Record: Geo. W. WRIGHT died on 7 November 1862 in Jackson County, Virginia, aged 8 months 13 days. He was born in Virginia, the son of Joshua and I. WRIGHT. The informant was Joshua WRIGHT.
Emma Wright
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Emma WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Emma is female, white, age 4, and born in Virginia.
John Wright
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: John WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. John is male, white, age 2, and born in West Virginia.
Abraham M. Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Page 237a; Sheet 26; Dwelling 672; Family 679; Lines 41-42 and Lines 1-9; conducted on September 11, 1850; Family History Library; MF 444943.
Information from 1850 Census: Abram WOODRUFF is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Abram is male, white, age 10 and born in Ohio. He is attending school.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Angerona; Page 525; Sheet 81; Dwelling 549; Family 573; Lines 2-8; conducted on July 2, 1860; Family History Library; MF 805354.
Information from 1860 Census: Abraham WOODRUFF is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Abraham is male, white, age 20 and born in Virginia. He works as a farm laborer.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 44; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: A. M. WOODRUFF, age 21, born Jackson County, Virginia, son of David and Ann WOODRUFF married Elizabeth LEONARD, age 24, born Scioto County, Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Cynthia LEONARD on 7 March 1861.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 76; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Abraham WOODRUFF, age 28, born Jackson County, Virginia, son of David and Olivia WOODRUFF married Lela V. AYRES, age 23, born Jackson County, Virginia, daughter of William G. and Phebe AYRES on 2 June 1868.
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County West Virginia; Cologne Township; PO Cologne, Page 164a; Dwelling 160; Family 160; LInes 28-30; conducted on August 6, 1870; Family History Library; MF 553191.
Information from 1870 Census: Abraham WOODRUFF is listed as head of household. Abraham is male, white, age 28 and born in Virginia. He works as a tanner. Abraham's real estate is valued at $600.00. His personal estate is valued at $250.00. Other occupants living Abraham - Lelia and Charles WOODRUFF.
Elizabeth Leonard
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 44; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: A. M. WOODRUFF, age 21, born Jackson County, Virginia, son of David and Ann WOODRUFF married Elizabeth LEONARD, age 24, born Scioto County, Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Cynthia LEONARD on 7 March 1861.
Lela V. Ayres
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 76; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Abraham WOODRUFF, age 28, born Jackson County, Virginia, son of David and Olivia WOODRUFF married Lela V. AYRES, age 23, born Jackson County, Virginia, daughter of William G. and Phebe AYRES on 2 June 1868.
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County West Virginia; Cologne Township; PO Cologne, Page 164a; Dwelling 160; Family 160; Lines 28-30; conducted on August 6, 1870; Family History Library; MF 553191.
Information from 1870 Census: Lelia WOODRUFF is living with Abraham WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Lelia is female, white, age 27 and born in Virginia. She works at keeping house.
Charles Woodruff
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County West Virginia; Cologne Township; PO Cologne, Page 164a; Dwelling 160; Family 160; LInes 28-30; conducted on August 6, 1870; Family History Library; MF 553191.
Information from 1870 Census: Charles WOODRUFF is living with Abraham WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Charles is male, white, age 1 and born in West Virginia.
Joshua Wright
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Folio 233b; Dwelling 620; Family 627; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted September 6, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 22, and born in Virginia.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 18; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Joshua WRIGHT married Isabel WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 29 September 1853.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 32 and born in Virginia. He works as a farmer and his real estate is valued at $1,288.00. His personal estate is valued at $200.00. Other occupants living with Joshua - Isabella, Sherdon, Charlotte, Margaret J., and Charles WRIGHT.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 64; Family 65; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Joshua WRIGHT is listed as head of household. Joshua is male, white, age 42, and born in Virginia. He works as a farmer and his real estate is valued at $950. His personal estate is valued at $500. Other occupants living with Joshua - Elizabeth, Theodore, Lillia, Margaret J., Charles, Emma and John WRIGHT.
FIND: 1880 Jackson County West Virginia; Union Township; Page 29.
Isabella Woodruff
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Page 237a; Sheet 26; Dwelling 672; Family 679; Lines 41-42 and Lines 1-9; conducted on September 11, 1850; Family History Library; MF 444943.
Information from 1850 Census: Isabella WOODRUFF is living with David WOODRUFF, who is listed as head of household. Isabella is female, white, age 17 and born in Virginia. She is attending school.
MARRIAGE: "Jackson County Virginia Marriages," Volume 1, 1831-1879; Page 18; Family History Library; 975.431 v2j v.1.
Information from Marriage Record: Joshua WRIGHT married Isabel WOODRUFF, daughter of David WOODRUFF on 29 September 1853.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 136; Family 127; Joshua WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Isabella WRIGHT is living with Joshua WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Isabella is female, white, age 77 [sic] and born in Virginia.
Miriam F. Wright
CENSUS: 1850 Jackson County Virginia; 27th District; Folio 233b; Dwelling 620; Family 627; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted September 6, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Miriam WRIGHT is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Miriam is female, white, age 13, and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 135; Family 126; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Miriam REED is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Miriam is female, white, age 22 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Miriam REID is living with James REID, who is listed as head of household. Miriam is female, white, age 33, and born in Virginia.
James F. Reed
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 135; Family 126; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: James REED is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. James is male, white, age 27 and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: James REID is listed as head of household. James is male, white, age 34, and born in Virginia. He works as a farmer. His personal estate is valued at $200. Other occupants living with James - Miriam, Martha J., Dora B., Mary E., and Charles R. REID.
Clara Reed
CENSUS: 1860 Jackson County Virginia; PO Cottageville; Page 464; Dwelling 135; Family 126; Robinson WRIGHT household; conducted June 8, 1860.
Information from 1860 Census: Clara REED is living with Robinson WRIGHT, who is listed as head of household. Clara is female, white, age 6/12 and born in Virginia.
Martha J. Reed
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Martha J. REID is living with James REID, who is listed as head of household. Martha is female, white, age 8, and born in Virginia.
Dora B. Reed
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Dora B. REID is living with James REID, who is listed as head of household. Dora is female, white, age 6, and born in Virginia.
Mary E. Reed
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Mary E. REID is living with James REID, who is listed as head of household. Mary is female, white, age 5, and born in Virginia.
Charles R. Reed
CENSUS: 1870 Jackson County Virginia; Union Township; Folio 383a; Dwelling 66; Family 67; James REID household; conducted July 13, 1870.
Information from 1870 Census: Charles R. REID is living with James REID, who is listed as head of household. Charles is male, white, age 2, and born in Virginia.
Josephine Hill
CENSUS: 1850 Mason County Virginia; District 38; Page 367; Dwelling 82; Family 83; conducted on August 2, 1850.
Information from 1850 Census: Josephine HILL is living with Laban HILL, who is listed as head of household. Josephine is female, white, age 13 and born in Virginia.
Hiram Parsons
CENSUS: 1850 Mason County Virginia; 38th District; Folio 366a; Dwelling 59; Family 60; Jacob NEWELL household; August 1, 1850.
Infomration from 1850 Census: Hiram PARSONS is living with Jacob NEWELL, who is listed as head of household. Hiram is male, white, age 22, and born in Virginia.
Vashti Parsons
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County Virginia; Union Township; PO Arbuckle; Folio 36a; Dwelling 141; Family 141; Vashti DOWNS household; August 11, 1870.
Infomration from 1870 Census: Vashti DOWNS is listed as head of household. Vashti is female, white, age 41 and born in Virginia. Other occupants living with Vashti - Frank M., and Willia L. DOWNS.
Frank M. Downs
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County Virginia; Union Township; PO Arbuckle; Folio 36a; Dwelling 141; Family 141; Vashti DOWNS household; August 11, 1870.
Infomration from 1870 Census: Frank M. DOWNS is living with Vashti DOWNS, who is listed as head of household. Frank is male, white, age 2 and born in West Virginia.
Willia L. Downs
CENSUS: 1870 Mason County Virginia; Union Township; PO Arbuckle; Folio 36a; Dwelling 141; Family 141; Vashti DOWNS household; August 11, 1870.
Infomration from 1870 Census: Willia L. DOWNS is living with Vashti DOWNS, who is listed as head of household. Willia is female, white, age 1 and born in West Virginia.
Elizabeth G. Parsons
CENSUS: 1850 Mason County Virginia; 38th District; Folio 366a; Dwelling 59; Family 60; Jacob NEWELL household; August 1, 1850.
Infomration from 1850 Census: Elizabeth PARSONS is living with Jacob NEWELL, who is listed as head of household. Elizabeth is female, white, age 12, and born in Virginia.
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Elizabeth SMITH is the wife of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Elizabeth is female, white, age 42 and born in Virginia.
BURIAL: Okey L. King, comp., Old Smith Church Cemetery, Mason County, West Virginia,
Information from Burial Record: "Smith, Elizabeth G. Parsons 12/20/1837-6/5/1910: Wife of Samuel and daughter of George and Fanny Woodruff Parsons."
Samuel N. Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Samuel N. SMITH is listed as head of household. Samuel is male, white, age 46 and born in Virginia. Both of his parents were born in Virginia. Samuel works as a farmer. Other occupants living with Samuel - Elizabeth SMITH, his wife; Malissa J., Dora B., Rachel, Fannie, Rebecca, Minerva, and Betha SMITH, his daughters; Isaac E. SMITH, his son; and Rachel SMITH, his mother.
BURIAL: Okey L. King, comp., Old Smith Church Cemetery, Mason County, West Virginia,
Information from Burial Record: Smith, Samuel - 4/5/1835-1910: Son of Isaac and Rachel McGuire Smith.
Melissa J. Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Malissa J. SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Malissa is female, white, age 21 and born in Virginia.
Rachel Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Rachel SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Rachel is female, white, age 17 and born in Virginia.
Fanny Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Fanny SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Fanny is female, white, age 14 and born in West Virginia.
Rebecca Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Rebecca SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Rebecca is female, white, age 12 and born in West Virginia.
BURIAL: Okey L. King, comp., Old Smith Church Cemetery, Mason County, West Virginia,
Information from Burial Record: Beattie, Rebecca Smith - 4/15/1870-5/12/1890: Wife of Andrew Wilson Beattie and daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth B. Parsons Smith.
Minerva Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Minerva SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Minerva is female, white, age 10 and born in West Virginia.
Isaac E. Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Isaac E. SMITH is the son of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Isaac is male, white, age 7 and born in West Virginia.
BURIAL: Okey L. King, comp., Old Smith Church Cemetery, Mason County, West Virginia,
Information from Burial Record: Smith, Isaac Jr. - 8/24/1872-4/3/1898: son Samuel and Elizabeth B. Parsons Smith.
Catherine Bertha Smith
CENSUS: 1880 Mason County West Virginia; Union Township; Folio 358b; Samuel N. SMITH household; FHL Microfilm 1255408.
Information from 1880 Census: Betha SMITH is the daughter of Samuel N. SMITH, who is listed as head of household. Betha is female, white, age 1 and born in West Virginia.
BURIAL: Okey L. King, comp., Old Smith Church Cemetery, Mason County, West Virginia,
Information from Burial Record: Kerwood, Catherine Smith - 10/28/1878-2/28/1904: Daughter of Samual and Elizabeth Parsons Smith.