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Charles McManus Revolutionary War Pension
#2807 Invalid Charles McMANNIS, Pvt.
Revolutionary War. Act of 7 June 1832. Volume A, Page 243. Certificate #22381.
Issued 24 October 1833. Rate $70 per annum. Commenced 4 Mar 1831. Ohio Agency.
- Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of
Congress the 7th June 1832.
State of Ohio, Brown County
On this 24th day of July 1832 personally appeared before the
court of Common Pleas of the county of Brown and State of Ohio Charles
McMANNIS a resident of Jackson township in the county of Brown and
State of Ohio aged seventy years past who being first duly sworn according to
law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the
benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the
following named officers and served as herein stated - that in the month of
September 1778 his father and family were driven by the Indians from their
dwelling on the frontier settlement of the Western part of Pennsylvania and
took shelter at a station called Legonier Garrison in Westmoreland county
Pennsylvania under the then command of Capt. Samuel SHANNON who the spring
following left the Garrison which was afterwards commanded by Capt. Robert
KNOX . . . and Ensign James CLIFFORD . . . and performed his duty as a Militia
soldier for about twelve months although at the commencement of his service he
was only in his sixteenth year he drew his regular rations and monthly pay
from Thomas GALBREATH who was a commissary. He is unable to state whether
Colonel Charles CAMPBELL, Col. GIBSON or Col. BROADHEAD had the command of
said station - but he thinks it was under the command of a Pennsylvania
officer as it was in that line the service was performed.
He further states that in the summer of the year 1780 he
enlisted at Legonier garrison with Capt. Thomas CAMPBELL for the term of nine
months in the army of the United States and served in the ninth attached to
the thirteenth regiment in the Virginia line a Continental establishment -
said Regiment was commanded by Col. John GIBSON, Lieut. Col. CAMPBELL Major
and other officers not recollected - the Officers in Capt. CAMPBELL's company
were Lieut. John CUMMINGS, Ensign George COHANN first Sargeant Morris ROACH,
2nd John CROW, 3d Abner MEEK, 4th not recollected. Shortly after his
enlistment said company consisting of sixty four privates and their officers
were marched to and stationed at Fort Crawford situate on the Allegheny river
about eighteen miles above Pittsburgh where they remained about five months
when said company returned to Pittsburgh where the remained nearly all winter
when they marched to Hannahstown, Pennsylvania and about the first of April in
the year 1781 he received a regular discharge from his captain which has been
lost or mislaid.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or
annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension
roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open
court. James FINLEY, clerk. Charles (X) McMANNIS.
I, James McMANNIS, a resident of Brown
county Ohio hereby certify that I am well acquainted with my brother
Charles McMANNIS who has subscribed and sworn to the above
declaration that I believe him to be seventy years of age and I further state
that from personal knowledge I do believe that the said Charles McMANNIS did
perform twelve months service at Legonier Garrison as stated by him having
myself served with him . . . under the same officers named by him as above. He
further states that he enlisted in the Continental service at the same time
with his brother in Capt. CAMPBELL company and Col. GIBSON's regiment and
knows of his own knowledge that he did perform the services in the manner and
for the length of time above stated by him:
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid in open court
21 July 1832. James FINLEY, clerk. James (X) McMANNIS.
And the said court do hereby declare their opinion that the
above named Charles McMANNIS was a Revolutionary soldier and
served as he states -the court further certifies that it appears to them that
the James McMANNIS who has signed the preceding certificate
is a resident of Brown county and is a credible person and that his statement
is entitled to credit.
- Charles McMANNIS Amendment to his
Declaration for a Pension. State of Ohio Brown county.
Personally came before the subscriber one of the associate
judges of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Brown aforesaid
Charles McMANNIS who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make
the following amendment to his declaration made in order to obtain the benefit
of the act of Congress of the 7th June 1832 that under his first engagement
under Capts. SHANNAN and KNOX he served twelve months - said company was
attached to Col. Daniel BROADHEAD's regiment in the Pennsylvania line he
cannot state and what division of the army BROADHEAD's Regiment was attached
to -
That under his second engagement in Capt. Thomas CAMPBELL's
company in Col. GIBSON's Regiment he served as an enlisted private soldier for
nine months.
He is unable from loss of memory to state the names of any
other officers under whom he served Answer to 1st Interrogatory. He was born
in York county Pennsylvania in the year 1767. Answer to the 2nd. He has a
record of his age which is in the possession of his son John in the State of
Indiana. Answer to the 7th. I am known to Samuel COOPER, Esq. Thomas SARGEANT,
William WHITE, John KNOX and Robert SHAW who can testify as to my character
for truth and veracity.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of October
A.D. 1833. David JOHNSON, Associate Judge. Charles (X) McMANNIS.
- The State of Ohio Adams County. Personally appeared Before
the Subscriber an acting Justice of the peace in and for the County aforsaid
[sic] William THOMAS aged one hundred and seven years who being Duly Sworn
According to law Deposeth and Saieth that he is well acquainted with
Charles McMANNIS that in the year 1780 he saw him in the Regular
Service of the United States in the Company Commanded by Capt. Thos. CAMPBELL
in the Regiment Commanded by Col. John GIBSON in the 13th Virginia Regiment
that from Circumstances related by said McMANNIS he does
hereby Believe that he performed a Nine Month Tour as an Enlisted
soldier Under the above named officers in said line that said McMANNIS
was Honorable Discharged at Hannahs Town in the spring of 1781. William (X)
THOMAS. Sworn to and Subscribed this 21st day of September 1833 before Robert
PENCE, J. Peace.
The following is a letter dated 19 April 1937 to the Veterans
Administration from Mrs. Agnes GARDNER of Rte. 2, Russellville, Ohio.
Charles McMANIS or (MAHAN) was a Rev.
soldier from Penn wife named Ellen [ ] is given by Brown Co. history
as a Rev Pensioner his son Joseph was born in Penn in 1796 would like to know if
there is a record of this pension or a land grant for this service he came first
to Brown Co Ohio in about 1815 but died in Adams Co Ohio near Winchester.
Also do you have a Rev Service for Samuel DANIEL or (DANIELS)
he got a grant of land in Adams Co (now Brown) Ohio in 1808 this land was
surveyed by Isaac HIT there was 1569 a. Samuel DANIEL was from Virginia some
histories give Fairfax Co some Loudoun & some Frederick. Isaac HITE was from
Frederick Co Samuel DANIEL afterwards transferred this land to Joseph DANIELS
supposed to be his son Joseph DANIEL was born in 1784 had sisters who came to
Ohio with him Mary DANIEL HIETT & Isabella DANIEL ANDERSON there is no record of
Samuel DANIEL living in Ohio. If you can help me with these will appreciate it
very much.
Sincerely, (Mrs. W. M.) Agnes GARDNER, Russellville, O. Rt. 2
A letter from James G. POLK, Sixth District Ohio, House of
Representatives to W. E. MORGAN, Director of Pensions, Veterans Administration,
Washington, D.C. dated 6th October 1933. Charles McMANNIS.
Dear Mr. MORGAN:
I hereby respectfully request all the available service
record of the above veteran. I might mention that I have received a request for
assistance in securing a grave marker for the grave of this veteran alleged to
have served in the Pennsylvania Militia who is buried in the cemetery at Cherry
Fork, Ohio.
I have been advised that there is no record in the office of
the Adjutant General regarding his service and was referred to the Department of
Public Instruction, State Library, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and have been
advised by the Genealogist that this veteran does not appear on their records
but they have information which would indicated that he had served from
Pennsylvania. He was pensioned October 24th 1833, pension to commence March 4th
1831, age given as 72 years; they have suggested that I communicate direct with
Yours very truly,
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